KAO’RU Exhibition #19
ボフィーカ:訪俯記 いすゞ屋お駒 書き綴り “BOFICCA” - Experience of Isuzu-Ya Okoma -
見聞きせしこと 書き綴りぬ」
One day, the third daughter of an Isuzu-ya shop was enveloped in a gentle and warm light、and had a magical experience traveling through a beautiful world full of flowers. At the beginning of the her Memoirs, I asked the man,
“What is the name of this flowery country?”
He replied,
“This country is called BOFICCA."
The following is an example of this BOFICCA experience
It expresses the world of the BOFICCA country
17th Annual International Color Award Professional Food NOMINEES
10th Fine Art Photogaraphy Award Nominnes
KAO’RU Exhibition #18 「ボフィーカ: 執事ロドリゴ・カッジャーノのつぶやき」 “BOFICCA” -Butler:Rodorigo Caggiano-
「彼の支えがなければボフィーカの印象は全く違うものであっただろう。彼には感謝の言葉しかない。」 ロドリゴの視点を通して、ボフィーカの世界観とマルキニの人物像を紹介する
A.Marchini unexpectedly spent several years in Boficca.
Rodrigo, the butler who devotedly supported Marchini.
"Without his support, Boficca's impression would have been completely different,
and I have nothing but words of gratitude for him."
Through Rodrigo's point of view, we will introduce Boficca's worldview and Marchini's character
2023/12/18~24 11:30~19:00
art space kimura ASK?
東京都中央区京橋3-6-5 木邑ビル2F 03-5524-0771
Kudoyama Art Festival 2023 / くどやま芸術祭2023 Sep17~Oct29 2023年09月17日(日)~10月29日(日)
Sensory Exhibition Art for the new Era カンカク展#1 カンカク賞
410 Art Decoration #2 Outstanding Performance Award / 410ギャラリー 部屋に飾りたい作品展 優秀賞
An eye that asks how to relate to nature.
マルキニ回想録にあるボフィーカの世界観に影響を受け多くを描き上げたファブリジオ・プント( Fabrizio Punto)の作品。A.マルキニへのリスペクトから、回想録を書いた書斎の机を描いたと言われる。それ故、別名「回想録を書いた机」とも呼ばれる
The work of Fabrizio Punto, who was influenced by Boficca’s worldview in the Marchini memoirs. He has a great respect for A. Marchini, so, He painted the desk in the study where A. Marchini wrote his memoirs. Therefore, it is also said known as ""desk where Marchini wrote his memoirs"
Creeping insect
A bloodsucking insect feared by Boficca travelers.When you are deeply asleep from the fatigue of the trip,
It sneak up on the bed and sneak up without realizing it.It sucks blood with its mouth holding a thin tube.
The place of the bite swells up to a blue-green color.
16th International Color Award Still Life Honorable Mention &Nminees /16回インターナショナルカラーアワード オーナブルメンション&ノミネート
9th Fine Art Photography Award Nominee / 9回ファインアートフォトグラフィーアワード ノミネート
左:The secret Leaker -悪意の読唇者(春)-
The Beautiful flowers that read people's hearts.Be careful, If you look at the eyes in the center, They read your mind will. And then, The red flowers blue-black mouth opens and tells everyone your secrets that you don't want to be known loudly with beautiful melodies.
中:The secret Leaker -悪意の読唇者(秋)-
The Beautiful flowers that read people's hearts.Be careful, If you look at the eyes in the center, the Black Flowers trap your secrets in black berries one by one、When the time come, drop it to the ground When the fruit pops, the secret is revealed by a loud noise.
右:Cheerful Singing Gnomes -陽気な歌好き小鬼-
The little gnomes who loves flowers and likes to sing a song. Secrets unleashed by secret leakers can be drowned out by their singing voices. That's why it's so cherished at Boficca.
! ボフィーカとは・what is BOFICCA !
8世紀の著述家:アルベルト・マルキニ(Alberto Marchini)によって書かれた旅行記(いわゆるマルキニ回想録)の中に、ボフィーカ 「Boficca(bəfikə)」 を訪れたという記述が残る。回想録には、ボフィーカの植物・生活する人々の様子が多く書かれており登場する生き物と自然が調和して暮らす理想の国とされている。
The writer in the 8th century: ALBERTO MARUKINI,
In the written travel record (what is called an account of MARUKINI recollection),
it is BOFIKA.(bəfikə) description of having visited remains.
Let the living thing and nature which many plants of BOFIKA and appearance of people who live are written to the account of recollection and appear be an ideal country which harmonizes and lives.
however, with Sekai in whom we live, a difference is found out at various points. BOFIKA does not still understand at all how it is whether it was moved in the different world in space whether it was the world which existed in his dream, and where, and was able to go.
The tradition and myth whose imagination is possible in if BOFIKA is still pointed out to every place
Although it can experience, the existence is not yet solved.
NY Photography Awards Still Life Life Silver Prize / NYフォトグラフィ・アワード・2022 銀賞
KAO’RU Exhibition #17 「ボフィーカ: A.マルキニの過ごした場所」 “BOFICCA” -The Place where A. Marchini spent-
KAMEYAMA TRIENNALE 2022 亀山トリエンナーレ2022
15th International Color Award Still Life Nominee15回インターナショナルカラーアワードノミネート
there are animals that feed on the fruit of this tree, and this tree grows up to nourish the carcass of the animal. The life of living things that has continued since ancient time.
London Photography Award 2022 Honourable Mentions ロンドン・フォトグラフィ・アワード2022 オーナブルメンション
The Chelsea International Photography Competion 2021/2022 チェルシー国際写真コンクール2021/2022 アーティストに選出されました。
A.Marchicni & Boficca Collection of the Mosetti Family / A.マルキニとボフィーカ モゼッティ家の至宝