「KAO'RU® Supporter:柴原薫後援会」は
* 植物を中心とした自然が作り上げた造形美と、人工物の融合によるスチールライフ・フォト
* 部屋に飾っておきたくなる、スチールライフ・フォト
をテーマに作品を生み出し続ける、作家KAO'RU® (柴原薫)を応援し、心の支えとなって、その作品を一人でも多くの方々に、見ていただく・知っていただくことを目的として結成されました。
作家KAO'RU® (柴原薫)は、フォトグラファーとして広告・雑誌等で撮影をする傍ら、個展・グループ展を多数開催する等、作家としての活動も続け、創意工夫を重ねて着実に歩んでまいりました。当後援会は、KAO'RU® (柴原薫)の作品に触れ、KAO'RU® (柴原薫)と皆様方、また、会員相互の交流を図る場を提供していきたいと思います。写真を中心とした作品を通して、皆様方と大きな輪を作っていきたいと願っております。ぜひ後援会の趣旨にご賛同頂きご入会賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
About us
Photographer KAO’RU® who made artistic photograph that mainly a plant in a motif
*Still life photography by fusion of the beautiful art things made up by nature and artificial things made up by people.
*Still life photography who wants to display their room
We supported him and enlarge the place or the activity of KAO’RU® and we make an opportunity to tell many people about his work.
And we want to make the bond of friendship with member. We ask you approved of the purpose of the supporter's association. Please have the enrollment.
KAO'RU® (Kaoru Shibahara)
Born 1967 in JAPAN.
Working freelance Photographer in New York USA 1990-1999
Moved Tokyo,
Working freelance commercial Photographer,
Private exhibition every once for a year at GINZA and a lot of group exhibition.
Activity contents
* We tell you KAO'RU®'s private exhibition / group exhibitions in the homepage and e-mail magazine(irregular).
* We do friendship / interchange with KAO'RU® and the member.
An application for enrollment
* Please contact us by an email.
* You do not need the payment such as enrollment fee and annual fee.
* We do not associate with specific politics / religious group.
* Anyone can participate, but if you are performing some art activity, please ask us.
A privacy policy
* We do not use your personal information besides the following purposes.
・A bulletin and the sending of the e-mail magazine.
・The guidance of the exhibition
About a withdrawal
* When you are hoped for a withdrawal, please contact us by an email.